In this part of the review, I start by describing the overall recap of the year in these categories.
What progress has been made in each category, what were the issues, what were the challenges, whatever comes to mind relating to that specific category and topic.
Life Categories
- Health
- Physical
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Mental
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Self Care
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Physical
- Mind/Intellect
- Knowledge and Learning
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Knowledge and Learning
- Family
- General (parents, siblings and extended)
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Partner / spouse
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Child/ren
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- General (parents, siblings and extended)
- Social
- Friends
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Community
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Friends
- Work & Career
- Financial / Investment
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Business / Job
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Personal projects
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Financial / Investment
- Spiritual / Grounding / Connection / Religion
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Environment
- Physical environment around me
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Holidays / Break / Down Time
- Highlights of the year
- What went well?
- What could have gone better / What could I improve?
- What do I want to avoid next year?
- What did I learn?
- Physical environment around me
Overall questions for the year
- What went well?
- Highlights
- Achievements & Successes
- What am I grateful for?
- What would I like to appreciate more?
- What were the best decisions over the last year?
- What were the bad/worst decisions over the last year?
- What are five habits I would like to leave behind in this year?
- Am I holding onto any;
- grudges?
- frustrations?
- resentments?
- emotional baggage?
- attachments?
- What were the low points and how could they have been avoided?
- What were the major
- struggles?
- frustration?
- What were the lessons of these struggles and frustrations?
- Things I want to let go or leave behind in this year
- Too many commitments — can I let go of some to narrow my focus?
- Too man goals and aspirations?
- Pleasing everyone, comparing myself?
- Worrying about everything?
- Anger, past injuries?
- Judging myself or others?
- Complaints?
- Perfectionism?
- Procrastination?
- Hiding, playing a smaller game, doubting myself?
- Trying to control everything?
- What were the major fears this year?
- What were the limiting beliefs this year?