Give your maximum effort to each day. Not your weeks, months, or years but to your days. When you do that, the weeks, months, and years will automatically take care of themselves and have the maximum effort.
Hit the pillow each night (or day – if you are a shift worker, I have been there) knowing that you did the best you possibly could have in all areas of your current life. You loved the most, you cared the most, you laughed the most, you thought the most, you planned the most and above all, you took the most action.
Don’t have pillow regrets. Don’t go to bed at night thinking I could have, should have or would have done ‘fill in the blanks’. Just do it. If you manage to stop your pillow regrets, you will stop your end of life regrets.
Give your maximum effort to each day. The weeks, months, and years will automatically take care of themselves.